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ARM9 defined(_WIN32) if statement help

I am working on SMTP using mbedTLS-2.16.1 to create a secure email protocol. I downloaded the mbedTLS-2.16.1 package from:

Now I am trying to use the mbedTLS with my ARM9 Keil project but when I copy the mbedTLS files into my project directory and try to run it, I recieve errors regarding "#if defined(_WIN32)".

MbedTLS has multiple files which include if statements regarding the machine I am using, which is Windows 10 64bit, to determine which header files to include. If I remove the if statement trying to check for _WIN32, mbedTLS tries to include <windows.h> but can not find it.

Is there a setting I am supposed to use to tell my project that I am using Windows 10 64bit? Also, I cannot use the new Keil SDK packages because my project uses ARM9 which is not supported by Keil v5. Any advise would help, thanks.

  • So what errors, exactly, do you receive?

    It's hard to advise how to fix errors when we don't know what the errors are!

    "if statements regarding the machine I am using"

    As already noted, they are about the Target you are building for - not the Host you are building on!

  • So what errors, exactly, do you receive?

    It's hard to advise how to fix errors when we don't know what the errors are!

    "if statements regarding the machine I am using"

    As already noted, they are about the Target you are building for - not the Host you are building on!

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