Hi, has someone tried implmenting I2C in AT89C51? Did it work? If yes, can you give me some tips in order to get a succesful communication,please?
Thanks for your help
I havent apply 5V signals, because i do not trandmit data from tx of the mic to the rx of the rasp. I know that it gives 3V but I think that 3V is enough to produce high lvl in the mic. Dont know if I need exactly 5V
The microcontroller behaves as specified in its datasheet - not according to what you think.
So look in the datasheet to confirm whether what you think is correct or not...
I said "think" because it is what I read or understand for ttl levels. The datasheet said that the ports are ttl , so 3V I think is enough.
Did it?
There will be a section where it specifically defines the threshold voltage levels for logic "High" and "Low". That's the bit you need to read!