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Debugger not responding

Hello all,

I am using the MDK-Arm Version 5.24a (July 2017) on a Windows 10 Virtual Machine, and whenever I try to go into the debugger (for the second time) the program becomes not responding. The debugger works fine for the first time, it goes into the not responding state when I try the debugger for the second time in the same project. I can only use the debugger again when I restart the program but again it only allows me to use it for one time.


  • I am having the same issue. I have Keil version MDK lite 4.74 , windows 10
    It allows debug once, than I hope out to editor mode and again rebuild target, after that when I am clicking debugger option second time to debug, the keil software stop responding. Windows come with pop up -program Stop responding, wait for program or close program.

  • I am having the same issue. I have Keil version MDK lite 4.74 , windows 10
    It allows debug once, than I hope out to editor mode and again rebuild target, after that when I am clicking debugger option second time to debug, the keil software stop responding. Windows come with pop up -program Stop responding, wait for program or close program.

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