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Mailbox overflow


I have a problem that involved "Mailbox overflow detected " in RTX.

I uses RTX and attempt to implement the Uart communication between Stm32f3 board A and B.

I describe the flow as the following:

[1]Board A send the command to board B, Then Board B periodically return data to broad A .The circle of term is sett to 0.15msec.

[2]Secondly, Board A send to Board B new command , Then Board B return ACK only once.

When I executed only procedure [1] or only procedure [2], I don't encountered error.
But I executed both procedure [1] and procedure [2] , Then I encountered "OS_ERROR_MBX_OVF".

In addition, If I set the mailbox in board B as the folloing:

osPoolDef(send_rs232c, 1, COMMSG_Typedef);
osPoolId send_rs232c;

osMessageQDef(send_rs232c, 1, COMMSG_Typedef);
osMessageQId send_rs232c;

I executed procedure [2] twice , Then "OS_ERROR_MBX_OVF" is occured.
If I change the above value to 3, "OS_ERROR_MBX_OVF" is occured after I executed procedure [2] forth.

After I execute osMessageGet , I execute osPoolFree ,but I encountered the above issue.

Please let me know some advice for me .