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µVision debugger: enabling source level debug for already built ELF file


I have an existing test.elf that I built with an external MAKE utility.
I use the µVision debugger to debug my test.elf.
I can flash my hardware with test.elf in µVision.
My test.elf is compiled with debug info.
I can debug my test.elf in other Eclipse-based IDE, but I want to switch to µVision, because Eclipse-based IDE is Java-based and very slow.

The problem:
- When I start debugging (Ctrl+F5) the disassembly code opens.
- I don't want to debug test.elf in disassembly mode.
- I want to debug test.elf in regular source level debugging mode.

I tried to use SET SRC command. Without success.
Just spent a lot of time to enable source level debugging mode for my test.elf.

1. How to see which path are already stored in the debug info in my test.elf?
2. My test.elf was built with files that are in multiple directories.
Like this:
Do I need to set all of them to SET SRC or just root one?
Like this: SET SRC = test/dir;test/dir2;test/dir2/subdir1;test/dir2/subdir2
Or like this:SET SRC = test
3. Can µVision enable source level debugging mode if test.elf contains debug info in absolute path? How I can configure GCC to store absolute path in debug info?

Many thanks.

  • Was the "already built ELF file" built using the Keil compiler?

    Search the forum for previous discussions on how to have uVision access debug info from a GCC-created ELF...

    "Eclipse-based IDE is ... very slow"

    I have never found Eclipse-based IDEs to be particularly faster or slower than uVision - so perhaps you should look into why your setup is so slow ... ?

  • Was the "already built ELF file" built using the Keil compiler?

    Search the forum for previous discussions on how to have uVision access debug info from a GCC-created ELF...

    "Eclipse-based IDE is ... very slow"

    I have never found Eclipse-based IDEs to be particularly faster or slower than uVision - so perhaps you should look into why your setup is so slow ... ?
