Hi everyone. My English not well sory. So far, I have used some of IDE such as Eclipse, Qt Creator that have code coloring skills. Unfortunately, in the Keil IDE, I did'nt see any coloring skills. For example in eclipse IDE , there is unused code coloring dynamically (I always need to use this). As instance;
#define VAL
#if defined(VAL) bla bla bla... // White colored by eclipse IDE #else bla bla bla... // Gry colored by eclipse IDE #endif
Thus, I trace code three (include files), defined sections, undefined sections etc with ease. There is any skills or configuration for Keil IDE?
you should see syntax coloring like shown on this page: www2.keil.com/.../uvision If not, check your settings under Edit - Configuration. Also, check this knowledge base article: http://www.keil.com/support/docs/3580.htm
Kind regards,
I visited links, watched videos but there is no skills about unused code area coloring. I think, KEIL IDE not have this and devolopers sholud add this skill to KEIL IDE as earliest as possible.
What do you mean by unused code? We do have profiling options available that will show the coverage and color your code accordingly. This works in simulation and on real target hardware with ULINKpro. Please check out <a href="http://www.keil.com/support/man/docs/uv4/uv4_ui_editormarks.htm">editor marks - code execution</a>.
What do you mean by unused code?
#define VAL #if defined(VAL) bla bla bla... // White colored by eclipse IDE this code is used #else bla bla bla... // Gry colored by eclipse IDE this code is unused #endif
It would indeed be great if the Keil IDE editor would gray out code that is "#ifdef" and not active (like many other IDE's does)
Yes, #if colouring would be fantastic. Definitely one of the most annoying missing features.
I hope so, KEIL developers intend to develop this. Because, it so hard to trace preprocessor symbols and undefined areas.