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__attribute__((naked)) is this option available?

I want to use this __attribute__((naked)) for one of my functions in keil, but it generates a warning that says

main.c(6846): warning: #1207-D: unknown attribute "naked"

This is my function prototype

__attribute__((naked)) void myTestFunction(void)

what's going on? what should I do to enable the naked!?

  • for __CC_ARM, no it is not supported. use

    __asm void myTestFunction(void)

    make sure you look up what __attribute__((naked)) actually means as it appears as if you are creating a "C" function and the naked attribute only has meaning for routines consisting entirely of asm instructions.

    ARMCLANG also supports __attribute__((naked))

  • for __CC_ARM, no it is not supported. use

    __asm void myTestFunction(void)

    make sure you look up what __attribute__((naked)) actually means as it appears as if you are creating a "C" function and the naked attribute only has meaning for routines consisting entirely of asm instructions.

    ARMCLANG also supports __attribute__((naked))

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