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Issue with UART0 - MCB2140 and LPC2138

Hello guys! I'm new to ARM7 and I'm using a MCB2140 board from Keil with LPC2138. Well, I'm having some issues to communicate via UART0 to my PC. Could someone take a look to my code and give some tips?

I have researched on Keil's forum, and found this thread, from 10 years ago:

I have UART0 and UART1 configured at the same way in my code. When I try to send data via UART0, nothing happens. But, via UART1 the data is sent. I dont if it's a program or a jumper board issue.

Here is my code. Most comments are in portuguese, sorry.

#include <lpc213x.h>

void config_pins (void);
void init_pll (void);
void init_uart0 (void);
void uart0_write(char data);
void init_uart1 (void);
void uart1_write(char data);
void config_timer0_compare (void);
void config_timer1_compare (void);
void delay_us(unsigned int microseconds);
void delay_ms(unsigned int miliseconds);

int main (void)

        char msg[] = { 'H','I','\0' };
        int c=0; // counter

                IO1SET = (1<<16);         //LED ON
    delay_ms(500);      //delay 1s
    IO1CLR = (1<<16);     //LED OFF
    delay_us(500000);           //delay 1s

                while( msg[c]!='\0' )
                uart0_write('\n'); //get to the next line below
                c=0; // reset counter


void init_uart1 (void)
        PINSEL0 = 0x00050000;   //Enable uart1 RxD1 and TxD1

        //U0LCR = 3 | (1<<7) ;   //8 bits, no Parity, 1 Stop bit | DLAB set to 1
        U1LCR = 0x83; //8-bit, 1 stop bit, no parity, enable divisor latch

        //Divisores para BAUDRATE: 9600
        U1DLM   = 0x01;
  U1DLL = 0x86;

        U1LCR = 0X03; //DLAB set to 0

void uart1_write(char data)
        while ( !(U1LSR & (1<<5) ) ); // wait till the THR is empty
        // now we can write to the Tx FIFO
        U1THR = data;

void init_uart0 (void)
        PINSEL0 = 0x00000005; //TxD P0.0 RxD P0.1

        //U0LCR = 3 | (1<<7) ;   //8 bits, no Parity, 1 Stop bit | DLAB set to 1
        U0LCR = 0x83; //8-bit, 1 stop bit, no parity, enable divisor latch

        //Divisores para BAUDRATE: 9600
        U0DLM   = 0x01;
  U0DLL = 0x86;

        U0LCR = 0X03; //DLAB set to 0

void uart0_write(char data)
        while ( !(U0LSR & (1<<5) ) ); // wait till the THR is empty
        // now we can write to the Tx FIFO
        U0THR = data;

void config_pins (void)
        //Pino P1.16 como saida
        IODIR1 = (1<<16);

        //Pino P1.16 ao¨P1.24 como saida
        //for (int i = (1<<16); i <= (1<<24); i <<= 1)
        //      IODIR1 = IODIR1 | i; //Incrementa 1 em IODIR, caso contrario deixaria como 0

        IODIR1 = 0xFF0000;
        //Seta P1.16, P1.20-23 em nivel 1
        IOSET1 = 0x00F10000;

void init_pll (void)
        //Configura M e P PLL
        PLLCFG = 0x024; //P:2   M:5
                                                                        //01    00100
                                                                        //100101 = 0x24

        //Sequencia FEED para alterar parametros PLL
        PLLFEED = 0xAA;
        PLLFEED = 0x55;

        //Habilita PLL
        PLLCON = 0x01;

        //Sequencia FEED para alterar parametros PLL
        PLLFEED = 0xAA;
        PLLFEED = 0x55;

        // Quando lock status, que esta no bit 10, mudar para 1, sai do while. Somente quando mudar para 1 poderemos prosseguir
        while (!(PLLSTAT & 0x0400));

        //mantem o PLL em enable e conecta o PLL à CPU
        PLLCON = 0x03;

        //Sequencia FEED para alterar parametros PLL
        PLLFEED = 0xAA;
        PLLFEED = 0x55;

        //Coloca divisor de PCLK = CCLK
        VPBDIV = 0x01;

void config_timer0_compare (void)
        //Assumindo que PCLK: 60MHz

        //Timer 0: 1 ms
        //      T0CTCR = 0x0; //Sera incrementado pelo PCLK, borda de subida
        //      T0PR = 60000-1; //Valor prescale: a cada 60000 ciclos de CCLK incrementa 1 TOTC = 1ms
        //                                                                      //Conta inicia em 0, por isso o -1
        //      T0TCR = 0x02; //Reseta timer

        //Timer 0:      1 us
        T0CTCR = 0x0; //Sera incrementado pelo PCLK, borda de subida

        T0PR = 60-1; //Valor prescale: a cada 60 ciclos de CCLK incrementa 1 TOTC = 1us
                                                 //Conta inicia em 0, por isso o -1

        T0TCR = 0x02; //Reseta timer

void config_timer1_compare (void)
        //Assumindo que PCLK: 60MHz

        //Timer 1: 1 ms
        T1CTCR = 0x0; //Sera incrementado pelo PCLK, borda de subida

        T1PR = 60000-1; //Valor prescale: a cada 60000 ciclos de CCLK incrementa 1 TOTC = 1ms
                                                                        //Conta inicia em 0, por isso o -1

        T1TCR = 0x02; //Reseta timer

void delay_us(unsigned int microseconds)
        //1s = 1000ms = 1000000us
        //Utilizando timer0 para esta funcao

        T0TCR = 0x02; //Reseta timer0

  T0TCR = 0x01; //Habilita timer0

        //T0TC armazena valor contador
  while(T0TC < microseconds); //aguarda ate que timer chegue ao valor requerido

  T0TCR = 0x00; //Desabilita timer0

void delay_ms(unsigned int miliseconds)
        //1s = 1000ms
        //Utilizando timer1 para esta funcao

        T1TCR = 0x02; //Reseta timer0

  T1TCR = 0x01; //Habilita timer0

        //T0TC armazena valor contador
  while(T1TC < miliseconds); //aguarda ate que timer chegue ao valor requerido

  T1TCR = 0x00; //Desabilita timer0

In main, I can change the data source, from UART0 or UART1

int main (void)

char msg[] = { 'H','I','\0' }; int c=0; // counter
while(1) { IO1SET = (1<<16); //LED ON delay_ms(500); //delay 1s IO1CLR = (1<<16); //LED OFF delay_us(500000); //delay 1s
while( msg[c]!='\0' ) { uart0_write(msg[c]); c++; } uart0_write('\n'); //get to the next line below c=0; // reset counter }

  • We figured out.

    #1 The #include <lpc213x.h> was wrong, change it for: #include <lpc214x.h>, because MCB2140 has a LPC2148.

    #2 If you are using a ULINK2, download the program normally to the board. Then remove the jumpers J1(ISP) and J10(RST).

    And enjoy your MCB2140 UART0 properly (:

  • We figured out.

    #1 The #include <lpc213x.h> was wrong, change it for: #include <lpc214x.h>, because MCB2140 has a LPC2148.

    #2 If you are using a ULINK2, download the program normally to the board. Then remove the jumpers J1(ISP) and J10(RST).

    And enjoy your MCB2140 UART0 properly (:

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