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Problem with using USB HOST HS example

Hello, I am working with USB HS Host in MSC class with STM32F407 MCU. I want to write to the memory cells of a flash drive using usb. (It doesn't matter for me to write with a standard like FatFs, I just want to write all memory cells of a flash drive as fast as possible). I used the USB HOST example of STM32CUBE package. It can be used with both mode of USB FS and USB HS. When I enable USB FS it works and writes to flash drive with a low speed of 600Kb/s. But when I enable USB HS the same result is obtained!! I use external ULPI for USB HS mode. I achieved to speed of 1.3MB/s with another example (in USB HS mode) but I want to increase speed. Any idea to help me with this problem?

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