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Adjust Duty Cycle and Frequency with Timmer


; setup code for timer0

        AREA Program, CODE, READONLY
        ARM                     ;use ARM instruction set
        INCLUDE ; MMR definitions
        EXPORT  timer0_init

                ; R0, R1, and R2 are all used in this subroutine to initialize the timer
                ; Since these registers don't need to return any values to main, they should
                ;   be placed on the stack
                STMIA   SP!, {R14, R0, R1, R2}

                ; refer to chapter 23 of user manual (page 554) for timer information

                ; First step is to set bit 1 of the PCONP (power control for perihperals) register
                LDR             R0, =(PCONP)        ; puts address into R0
                LDR             R2, [R0]                        ; gets the value inside the PCONP address and stores it in R2
                LDR             R1, =0x2            ; R1 now has a value of 1 at bit 1
                ORR             R2, R2, R1
                STR             R2, [R0]

                ; second step is to setup P1.28  as an external match for timer0  (check page 160)
                ; So bits 24 and 25 must be set to 1
                LDR             R0, =(PINSEL3)
                LDR     R2, [R0]     ; contents of PINSEL3 now in R2
                LDR             R1, =0x3000000   ; contains a 1 at bits 24 and 25
                ORR             R2, R2, R1
                STR             R2, [R0]

                ; third step is to disable the onboard resistor for P1.28
                ; reference pages 155 and 167-168
                LDR             R0, =(PINMODE3)
                LDR     R2, [R0]     ; contents of PINMODE3 now in R2
                LDR             R1, =0x2000000   ; contains a 1 at bit 25 and a zero at bit 25
                ORR             R2, R2, R1
                STR             R2, [R0]

                ; fourth step is to setup the match control register
                ; when the Timer Counter matches the Match Register, we need to
                ;   -- reset the Timer Counter        (bit 1 on page 559)
                LDR             R0, =(T0MCR)
                LDR     R2, [R0]
                LDR             R1, =0x2   ; contains a 1 at bit 1
                ORR             R2, R2, R1
                STR             R2, [R0]

                ; Modify the Timer Control Register (page 556-557)
                ; Enable the Timer Counter by putting a 1 in bit 0
                LDR             R0, =(T0TCR)
                LDR     R2, [R0]
                LDR             R1, =0x1   ; contains a 1 at bit 0
                ORR             R2, R2, R1
                STR             R2, [R0]

                ; modify the Count Control register (page 557 -- 558)
                ; NOTE: We want the Timer Counter to increment on each rising clock edge and this is already default setting

                ; put zero into the Prescale Counter register  (page 558)
                ; This will increment the timer counter each time the Prescale regiseter = 0
                LDR             R0, =(T0PC)
                LDR     R2, [R0]
                LDR             R2, =0x0
                STR             R2, [R0]

                ; Set the value of the Match Register (page 558)
                LDR             R0, =(T0MR0)
                LDR     R2, [R0]
                LDR             R2, =6000000 ; after this many clock cycles, the LED will toggle
                STR             R2, [R0]

                ; setup the functionality of the external match register  (page 561)
                ; This controls the output of P1.28
                ; We want the pin to toggle so modify bits 4 and 5 accordingly
                LDR             R0, =(T0EMR)
                LDR     R2, [R0]
                LDR             R1, =0x30   ; contains a 1 at bits 4 and 5
                ORR             R2, R2, R1
                STR             R2, [R0]


                LDMDB   SP!, {PC, R0, R1, R2}


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