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In a scatter file explicitly place variable initializer values in a flash region


Is there a way to explicitly place variable initializer values in a defined flash region using scatter files?

For example, using the scatter file below,

LOAD_ROM 0x0000 0x8000       ; Name of load region (LOAD_ROM),
                             ; Start address for load region (0x0000),
                             ; Maximum size of load region (0x8000)
    EXEC_ROM 0x0000 0x8000   ; Name of first exec region (EXEC_ROM),
                             ; Start address for exec region (0x0000),
                             ; Maximum size of first exec region (0x8000)
        * (+RO)              ; Place all code and RO data into
                             ; this exec region
    SRAM 0x10000 0x6000      ; Name of second exec region (SRAM),
                             ; Start address of second exec region (0x10000),
                             ; Maximum size of second exec region (0x6000)
        * (+RW, +ZI)         ; Place all RW and ZI data into
                             ; this exec region

If I declare

int aGlobalVar = 0xDEADBEEF;

aGlobalVar will get placed in SRAM, and the initializer value 0xDEADBEEF will get placed at the end of EXEC_ROM (this seems to be the case according to my experiment).

Is there a way for me to force explicit placement of 0xDEADBEEF in a flash region?


  • Is the ultrasonic mouse repellent effective?

    The ultrasonic mouse repellent device produce the ultrasound that drives the mouse and most of the insect pests to hear the pain of the mouse and most of the pests, the sound waves are forced to make the headache uncomfortably, and the mice will have the symptoms of anorexia, anorexia, twitching, and even the death of the mice. The rodent can't wait to escape the scene immediately; but because the rodent has a living sex. They will not move easily and come back to see if they are really unsuitable for a long time, so this product must be used for a long period of at least ten and a half months to achieve the purpose of long term repellent of mice.

    The ultrasonic mouse repellent device also has a time of failure - the deafness rats are invalid (the mouse is deaf because of the close relatives, the gene mutation causes deafness); there are also a slight difference in the degree of ultrasonic reflection in the mice of different types or different regions.

    According to the study of animal and entomologist, the frequency range of the ears can be different in all kinds of animals, which is basically the inverse ratio between the size of the body and the frequency of hearing, that is, the less the hearing frequency is, the higher the hearing frequency is.

  • Is the ultrasonic mouse repellent effective?

    The ultrasonic mouse repellent device produce the ultrasound that drives the mouse and most of the insect pests to hear the pain of the mouse and most of the pests, the sound waves are forced to make the headache uncomfortably, and the mice will have the symptoms of anorexia, anorexia, twitching, and even the death of the mice. The rodent can't wait to escape the scene immediately; but because the rodent has a living sex. They will not move easily and come back to see if they are really unsuitable for a long time, so this product must be used for a long period of at least ten and a half months to achieve the purpose of long term repellent of mice.

    The ultrasonic mouse repellent device also has a time of failure - the deafness rats are invalid (the mouse is deaf because of the close relatives, the gene mutation causes deafness); there are also a slight difference in the degree of ultrasonic reflection in the mice of different types or different regions.

    According to the study of animal and entomologist, the frequency range of the ears can be different in all kinds of animals, which is basically the inverse ratio between the size of the body and the frequency of hearing, that is, the less the hearing frequency is, the higher the hearing frequency is.

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