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Keil: What is node used for


Whenever I open a uVision project, the <nTsel> node gets updated in the *.uvoptx file.

For instance,

<nTsel>0</nTsel> becomes <nTsel>4</nTsel>

What's the purpose of the node and can I set it from the project file itself?


  • nTsel is an internal index that identifies the target driver
    selection such as Ulink-Pro, Ulink-Plus, Jlink and others.
    Once you change the target driver selection via Options-for-Target - Debug,
    then selecting another target driver using the target driver combo
    then 'nTsel' will change.

  • nTsel is an internal index that identifies the target driver
    selection such as Ulink-Pro, Ulink-Plus, Jlink and others.
    Once you change the target driver selection via Options-for-Target - Debug,
    then selecting another target driver using the target driver combo
    then 'nTsel' will change.

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