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cannot build code for stm32f103c8 - cannot all be FIRST/LAST.


I'm new to st programming and trying to build a code and upload it to my stm32f103c8. But when I press build button I get an error

More than one section matches selector - cannot all be FIRST/LAST.

here is my full output when I press Build:

*** Using Compiler 'V5.06 update 5 (build 528)', folder: 'C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\Bin'
Rebuild target 'oled-2'
compiling i2c-lcd.c...
..\Src\i2c-lcd.c(46): warning:  #1-D: last line of file ends without a newline
..\Src\i2c-lcd.c: 1 warning, 0 errors
compiling fonts.c...
compiling ssd1306.c...
../Inc/ssd1306.h(238): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration ssd1306_I2C_Init - give arg types
  void ssd1306_I2C_Init();
..\Src\ssd1306.c: 1 warning, 0 errors
compiling stm32f1xx_it.c...
compiling main.c...
../Inc/ssd1306.h(238): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration ssd1306_I2C_Init - give arg types
  void ssd1306_I2C_Init();
../Src/main.c(103): warning:  #188-D: enumerated type mixed with another type
        SSD1306_Fill (0);
../Src/main.c(106): warning:  #188-D: enumerated type mixed with another type
        SSD1306_Puts ("HELLO", &Font_11x18, 1);
../Src/main.c(108): warning:  #188-D: enumerated type mixed with another type
        SSD1306_Puts ("WORLD !!", &Font_11x18, 1);
../Src/main.c: 4 warnings, 0 errors
compiling stm32f1xx_hal_msp.c...
compiling stm32f1xx_hal_gpio_ex.c...
compiling stm32f1xx_hal_tim.c...
compiling stm32f1xx_hal_i2c.c...
compiling stm32f1xx_hal_tim_ex.c...
compiling stm32f1xx_hal.c...
compiling stm32f1xx_hal_rcc.c...
compiling stm32f1xx_hal_rcc_ex.c...
compiling stm32f1xx_hal_gpio.c...
compiling stm32f1xx_hal_dma.c...
compiling stm32f1xx_hal_cortex.c...
compiling stm32f1xx_hal_pwr.c...
assembling startup_stm32f103xb.s...
compiling stm32f1xx_hal_flash.c...
assembling startup_stm32f10x_md.s...
compiling system_stm32f10x.c...
compiling stm32f1xx_hal_flash_ex.c...
compiling system_stm32f1xx.c...
oled-2\oled-2.sct(7): error: L6235E: More than one section matches selector - cannot all be FIRST/LAST.
Not enough information to list image symbols.
Not enough information to list load addresses in the image map.
Finished: 2 information, 0 warning and 1 error messages.
"oled-2\oled-2.axf" - 1 Error(s), 6 Warning(s).
Target not created.
Build Time Elapsed:  00:00:46

How Can I fix it? Thanks

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