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How to view assembly code for specific function?

Hello, I'm trying to decide between implementations of a given function, based on the number of clock cycles each is supposed to take. I'm using the Lite version of µVision 5, with the debugger set to simulate. I can go into debug mode and open the disassembly view, but none of the source code is listed in the Hybrid display mode, it's all just assembly code. Further, I have no idea how to go to a section of assembly that represents either of my functions.

There isn't any context menu option in the source code window that would seem to take me to its section of assembly code, and I can't place a breakpoint in my source code window so that at least I could run to that and see where the program counter stops in the disassembly window. My coworker is under the impression that I should be able to click in my source code and have the disassembly view jump to the relevant section.

Bottom line, how do I find the assembly code of two functions so that I can compare their implementations? At this point it seems like my only choice is to toggle a bit in the functions and measure timing with an oscilloscope. :(

Ryan R.

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