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1200 baud rate issue

I'm trying to communicate with an old device that operates at 1200 baud only. The tablet I'm using to control the old device will only go as low as 2400 baud. Any ideas on how to bridge this gap would be greatly appreciated.

  • I can't see how you can get normal UART communication with a 2:1 baudrate error, since that is totally outside of what the asynchronous format and the hardware implementations are designed for.

    But if you control the software on both sides, then I would think you could potentially run the link with the 1200 baud device running 7N1 and the 2400 baud device runnigng 7N2 - and with an actual transfer of 3 bits of actual data used to tunnel more complex messages.

    So the start bit of the slow device is twice as long consuming the time slot of the first data bit directly following the start bit. Then 6 more data bits that may only encode 3 bits because each bit takes two bit slots. Then the single stop bit ends up looking like two stop bits.

    I have obviously never tested the above concept, but just as wrong baudrates in a number of situations does result in the receiver seeing "random" characters, there are situations where transmitted bytes with the wrong baudrate will end up as something the other side can decode repeatable.

  • I can't see how you can get normal UART communication with a 2:1 baudrate error, since that is totally outside of what the asynchronous format and the hardware implementations are designed for.

    But if you control the software on both sides, then I would think you could potentially run the link with the 1200 baud device running 7N1 and the 2400 baud device runnigng 7N2 - and with an actual transfer of 3 bits of actual data used to tunnel more complex messages.

    So the start bit of the slow device is twice as long consuming the time slot of the first data bit directly following the start bit. Then 6 more data bits that may only encode 3 bits because each bit takes two bit slots. Then the single stop bit ends up looking like two stop bits.

    I have obviously never tested the above concept, but just as wrong baudrates in a number of situations does result in the receiver seeing "random" characters, there are situations where transmitted bytes with the wrong baudrate will end up as something the other side can decode repeatable.
