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1200 baud rate issue

I'm trying to communicate with an old device that operates at 1200 baud only. The tablet I'm using to control the old device will only go as low as 2400 baud. Any ideas on how to bridge this gap would be greatly appreciated.

  • You say "the tablet". As in, a pre-fabricated device that you can run "apps" on, but have no actual control of the hardware? Then I'm afraid this cannot work.

    The obvious solution, and possibly the only feasible one, would be bit-banging. 1200 Baud is slow enough to do entirely in software if you have direct control of port pins and a timer or two. But that won't be possible when all you can do is write an app in some high-level language, that talks to existing lower-level drivers via a nice API.

    In that case you'll need a gateway device between the two existing ones, which talks 1200 baud to one side, and some other, possibly much higher baudrate to the other. It may need some buffering of fast messages going to the slow side.

  • You say "the tablet". As in, a pre-fabricated device that you can run "apps" on, but have no actual control of the hardware? Then I'm afraid this cannot work.

    The obvious solution, and possibly the only feasible one, would be bit-banging. 1200 Baud is slow enough to do entirely in software if you have direct control of port pins and a timer or two. But that won't be possible when all you can do is write an app in some high-level language, that talks to existing lower-level drivers via a nice API.

    In that case you'll need a gateway device between the two existing ones, which talks 1200 baud to one side, and some other, possibly much higher baudrate to the other. It may need some buffering of fast messages going to the slow side.
