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RTX5 LPC43xx M0 Alternate timer


I am trying to migrate my application from RTOS to RTOS2 on a LPC4337.
I did not have any issue yet to migrate M4 application which uses the SysTick timer for the kernel tick.

But I am not able to configure the M0 OS tick using an alternate timer (M0 do not have acces to the SysTick Timer).

With the RTOS I use the RITIMER (freq. = 1000Hz) as an alternate timer
In the file "RTX_Conf_CM.c" my functions are :

int os_tick_init (void) {
(...) //RITIMER configuration

uint32_t os_tick_val (void) {
  return (0);

uint32_t os_tick_ovf (void) {
  return (0);

void os_tick_irqack (void) {

And I call the "OS_Tick_Handler" function in the assembly file instead of the RIT handler (I have no issue with RTOS, everything works fine).

With the RTOS2 I was stuck using the RITIMER (the interrupt and acknowledge did not work correctly) so I switched with the TIMER3 (freq. = 1MHz)
Here are my functions :

int32_t osRtxSysTimerSetup (void){

        (...) //TIMER3 Init code

NVIC_SetPriority(M0_TIMER3_IRQn,(1UL << __NVIC_PRIO_BITS) - 1UL); //?

/// Enable System Timer.
void osRtxSysTimerEnable (void){

void osRtxSysTimerDisable (void){

void osRtxSysTimerAckIRQ (void){

uint32_t osRtxSysTimerGetCount (void){
return (_tick); //?

uint32_t osRtxSysTimerGetFreq (void){
return 1000000;

void M0_TIMER3_IRQHandler (void){
_tick++; //?

I have no idea of what I need to implement in these functions for an alternate timer (Keil doc. and examples are very light on this topic). My TIMER3 interrupt works and is called at the desired frequency (1MHz), all other functions are called by the system but I am not sure about the return values.
I tried a lot of differents frequencies, differents return values, etc.

I have only one thread running at the moment with a simple loop that sends a message after a short delay (I tried with "osDelayUntil" and "osDelay").
Depending on the delay, the loop can work twice or three times then the system "gets stuck" and loops forever in the "osRtxIdleThread" function.

int32_t main(void) {

SystemInit(); //init system
osThreadNew(Init_Thread, NULL, NULL);  // start init task
for (;;);


void Init_Thread(void *argument){

(...)//send message through UART
osDelayUntil(osKernelGetTickCount() + 10);


Could someone help me implementing an alternate timer or would have more documentations on this topic to guide me ?

Thank you.

  • It is also important that the timer has the correct interrupt priority which must be the lowest priority.

    The latest RTX5 5.1.1 ( configures the interrupt for the timer automatically (see code below):

    // Setup and Enable System Timer
    osRtxInfo.tick_irqn = osRtxSysTimerSetup();
    if (osRtxInfo.tick_irqn >= 0) {
      ExtTick_SetupIRQ (osRtxInfo.tick_irqn);

    Therefore the user does not need (and should not) configure the interrupt priority.

    In older versions of RTX5 the user needs to configure the correct interrupt priority. This can be easy achieved by using the following "ExtTick_SetupIRQ" function:

    /// Setup External Tick Timer Interrupt
    /// \param[in] irqn  Interrupt number
    __STATIC_INLINE void ExtTick_SetupIRQ (int32_t irqn) {
    #if   ((__ARM_ARCH_7M__      == 1U) || \ 
           (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__     == 1U))
      NVIC->IP[irqn] = 0xFFU;
    #elif  (__ARM_ARCH_6M__      == 1U)
      NVIC->IP[irqn >> 2] = (NVIC->IP[irqn >> 2]  & ~(0xFFU << ((irqn & 3) << 3))) |
                                                     (0xFFU << ((irqn & 3) << 3));

    Implementation of "osRtxSysTimerSetup" should look like:

    int32_t osRtxSysTimerSetup (void){
      (...) //TIMER3 Init code

  • It is also important that the timer has the correct interrupt priority which must be the lowest priority.

    The latest RTX5 5.1.1 ( configures the interrupt for the timer automatically (see code below):

    // Setup and Enable System Timer
    osRtxInfo.tick_irqn = osRtxSysTimerSetup();
    if (osRtxInfo.tick_irqn >= 0) {
      ExtTick_SetupIRQ (osRtxInfo.tick_irqn);

    Therefore the user does not need (and should not) configure the interrupt priority.

    In older versions of RTX5 the user needs to configure the correct interrupt priority. This can be easy achieved by using the following "ExtTick_SetupIRQ" function:

    /// Setup External Tick Timer Interrupt
    /// \param[in] irqn  Interrupt number
    __STATIC_INLINE void ExtTick_SetupIRQ (int32_t irqn) {
    #if   ((__ARM_ARCH_7M__      == 1U) || \ 
           (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__     == 1U))
      NVIC->IP[irqn] = 0xFFU;
    #elif  (__ARM_ARCH_6M__      == 1U)
      NVIC->IP[irqn >> 2] = (NVIC->IP[irqn >> 2]  & ~(0xFFU << ((irqn & 3) << 3))) |
                                                     (0xFFU << ((irqn & 3) << 3));

    Implementation of "osRtxSysTimerSetup" should look like:

    int32_t osRtxSysTimerSetup (void){
      (...) //TIMER3 Init code
