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programming stm32f030k6 using keil

Hi, I am a newbie in stm32 and c++ programming.I m currently working with an STM32f030k6 custom board with the 16MHZ oscillator.I want to read raw data from mpu6050 from i2c communication.I m using keilv5 software IDE version 5.23.
1>I have observed that there are no standard peripheral libraries for .cpp files as in for c the stm32cubemx helps in providing initializing c code for the stm32f030k6 device using HAL Libraries as there is no such thing for c++ ?? there is Peripheral Template Library but for STM32VLDISCOVERY, it uses GCC compiler.I would like to know if GCC compiler is necessary to compile .cpp files or the arm compiler is enough in keil??
2>I would like to know if I can import the .cpp and .h files of Arduino code libraries in keil software directly ??
Please help me to proceed further

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