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mdbt40, armcortexm0

Hello Everyone,

I am not sure whether this is correct place to post this question. Let me know if there is any issue,
I will delete or shift this accordingly.

I am programming nrf51822 module ( spec-Version A7.pdf) following this repo ( using arduino IDE 1.8.1

I am able to compile the program succesfully without any problem. However, there are many restriction (not able to use Softdevice APIs provided by nordic, fstorage module etc) using SDK in arduino, so I wanted to shift to Keil for development. Since Keil works with C language, is it possible to import arduino C++ libraries in Keil.

Following are the libraries which I am planning to import:

What will be changes required in the libraries? I am not very good at programming. I am familiar with arduino and arduino libraries but not familiar with Keil Environment. Can anyone help? Where should I start?

Thank you.

  • That's going to be a problem, whichever way you go - this isn't really a beginner exercise, I'm afraid.

    Keil has no automatic facilities to import/convert Arduino projects - so you would have to do it manually.
    This would require some serious understanding of the inner workings of the Arduino "environment" and also a good understanding of Keil and programming in general.

    Probably the best approach would be to start from scratch with the Nordic SDK - work through their tutorials & examples.
    But, still, getting BLE up and running isn't really a beginner project ...

  • That's going to be a problem, whichever way you go - this isn't really a beginner exercise, I'm afraid.

    Keil has no automatic facilities to import/convert Arduino projects - so you would have to do it manually.
    This would require some serious understanding of the inner workings of the Arduino "environment" and also a good understanding of Keil and programming in general.

    Probably the best approach would be to start from scratch with the Nordic SDK - work through their tutorials & examples.
    But, still, getting BLE up and running isn't really a beginner project ...
