(So why is there not a MCU architecture/product submission selection for Cortex-M0?)
Well anyway, I just installed KDM5 and did the PACK installer for the cortex-m0 part I'm using, and I successfully copied and ran the blinky example from the Pack.
So I go to do my own hello world example, create the project, add the CMSIS core and startup checkmarks in the run-time environment dialog. I then write my main and build, and get the link error seen here: i.imgur.com/ey7Rvf8.jpg You can also see my run time settings on the overlapping window.
This is apparently due to lack of a startup file, according to my googling. By my estimation I should have a startup file in the device section of the project files, but as you can see, there is no "+" sign at my device item.
First question is, why not, second is how do you force-add one. I found the file I need, I think, deep in the bowels of the Keil file system, but can't find instructions to add it. I would have thought I could right click on the device thing, but that has no add; it must be another way.
OK. I thought I went through all the pack stuff to add everything needed. It leaves me having to figure out HOW to get what is needed I guess.
I appreciate your tip. thanks.