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MCBSTM32F400UME with LCD screen 16x24

Hi, I'm a french student in microelectronic, I apologize for my bad english.

I'm working on a project with the developement board MCBSTM32F400UME. On this board there is a LCD screen.

In my code I use this two lines to configure it (in langage C):

extern GLCD_FONT GLCD_Font_16x24;

Can you tell me what is the mean of 16x24 ?

Or can you tell me how many pixels are there in axe x and axe y ?

Thank you for any answer or indications in datasheet.


  • Hi Raphaël,

    The resolution of the display on that board is 240x320.

    I could be wrong but I believe that 16x24 represents the pixel dimensions of each character that will be printed to the display.


  • Hi Raphaël,

    The resolution of the display on that board is 240x320.

    I could be wrong but I believe that 16x24 represents the pixel dimensions of each character that will be printed to the display.

