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RAM avail considerations on Keil Microvision

Hello everybody. I'm a absolute newbie on Keil Microvision and the Cortex Mx platform.
I'm currently facing an issue that I believe is linked to a memory shortage on my test 8KB RAM Cortex M0 chip.

I do not quite understand how one should interpret the log displayed at compile time...

Actually, my test app compiles & runs fine when assigning a small buffer variable (let's say 10 bytes) >> Program Size: Code=33084 RO-data=3380 RW-data=212 ZI-data=6520

But, as soon as I assign a heavier buffer (let's say 1'000 bytes), the app still compiles neatly, but crashes or does not execute on the host 8K RAM chip.>> Program Size: Code=33084 RO-data=3380 RW-data=212 ZI-data=7504

Does anyone could take some time to explain me what's happening and how I should deal with this problem (maybe upgrading to a 32K RAM chip... at heavier expense)

Many thanks for your help.

  • Sounds like you need to go into the options, and set up the Target part correctly, describing the memory your device actually has, ie IRAM 0x20000000, 0x2000 then the linker will throw an error if you exceed the available space.

    You might want to review the .MAP file now to see where all your memory is going, it will break out in detail what contributes to the line you are referencing.

  • Sounds like you need to go into the options, and set up the Target part correctly, describing the memory your device actually has, ie IRAM 0x20000000, 0x2000 then the linker will throw an error if you exceed the available space.

    You might want to review the .MAP file now to see where all your memory is going, it will break out in detail what contributes to the line you are referencing.
