STM32HAL need HAL_gettick() but CMSIS_OS2 without os_time how do i ... ( ¯¨̯ ¯̥̥ )
If you could duplicate situation in which osKernelGetState() would return osKernelError it would be usefull to find the root cause.
Anyways, your implementation does not take into account that usually HAL_Init is done while RTOS is not running, and there are some delays there which depend on tick incrementing, so it might be that some time dependant operations are not executed with required delays thus it could cause improper initialization.
Also, your implementation on F7 would cause Hard Fault as osKernelGetTickCount() is not allowed if RTOS is not running.
Thank you for that info.
It was a while ago and much has changed in my system since then, but if I am able to reproduce the problem I will definitely open a ticket.
Excellent, thank you!
Despite multiple attempts over the past few days, I have not been able to reproduce the above osKernelError problem. Your delay works perfectly, as does my original one.
Most likely case is that I must have been doing something stupid.