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Keil CMSIS Ethernet


could you please help me to understand the Keil Ethernet/E-MAC Driver?
I have several tasks running and started a DOS attack via TCP to test my ethernet application. The result was not what i expected.

My setup:

- STM32F439
- ARM Cmsis 5.0
- Middleware 7.3
- DFP 2.11
- Keil Ipv4/Ipv6 Core
- ETH Interface and TCP sockets.

My application:

- 4 TCP sockets in listening mode
- 1 main Task with priority normal
- netCore Thread with priority above normal
- netETH Thread with priority below normal. (I set it by myself on below normal)

I started a DOS attack with TCP fragments and UDP packets on my application. The software is LOIC. I expected that my application stops running in the main task because of the amount of packets. I tought the software will spent all the time in ETH_IRQHandler or in the netCore Thread with priority above normal.

I have a lot of ETH_IRQHandler calls but my application does not spend a lot of time in the IRQ handler or in one of the Ethernet Tasks. Why are there approxemately 0,2 ms between two calls of the ETH_IRQHandler? With main task = normal priority and netETH Thread = below normal priority my application still has enought time to work regular in the main task.

That is not the behaviour i expected. The PHY is a DP83848i with MII Interface.

Thank you