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IAP doesn't work after a power cycle

A moderator can delete my previous post since it is no longer a problem. If I need to post a solution, I will.

I have a LPC2368 within my system that accepts a file to then program itself with.

I have two images -

a.) First image is the main image that always runs on the ARM.
b.) Second image is a test image that blinks LEDs

Both images work as expected when programming them through the JTAG interface.

Within project B.), I have uVision 4 (and/or 5) generate a binary file as well as the .hex file. I do this because the binary representation is small than the hex representation (obviously).

Project A.) accepts the binary data of project B.) and stores the data bytes in an un-used portion of the ARM flash (starting at 0x00018000 because my memory map ends way prior to that).

I then have a function that runs out of RAM that then copies the data from the un-used portion of flash to the beginning of flash 0x00000000. I then reboot and project B.) doesn't run as it should.

I've done hex dumps of the memory regions being written and the data within these regions matches the original binary file (and the Intel hex file raw data) in both cases (un-used and in the beginning of flash).

I've also been reading about Criterion for Valid User Code and I'm thinking this is my problem.

The manual says the following :

Criterion for valid user code: The reserved ARM interrupt vector location (0x0000 0014)
should contain the 2’s complement of the check-sum of the remaining interrupt vectors.
This causes the checksum of all of the vectors together to be 0. The boot loader code
disables the overlaying of the interrupt vectors from the boot block, then checksums the
interrupt vectors in sector 0 of the flash. If the signatures match then the execution control
is transferred to the user code by loading the program counter with 0x0000 0000

If this is my problem, how do I prove it? How do I calculate the checksum of the remaining interrupt vectors? Where are they?