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BL51 How to set default library to user defined space


i would like to help from you. I programming myself flash update via serial link. I set the all functions (flash page erase, read and write) to address starts with 0x8000. These functions are called after command receieved from serial link (start flashing memory - start from 0x0000, to max 0x4000). the program is running in 0x8000 section but, sometimes are called default libraries(?C?CSTOPTR) which are located in section 0x0000. Is there some possibility how to move these function to user-defined memory space?? I am not able to find some possibility to move these functions to (for example) address 0x8200

in *.m51 called modules like (not all)

  -------         MODULE        ?C?FPDIV
  C:07D0H         PUBLIC        ?C?FPDIV
  -------         ENDMOD        ?C?FPDIV

  -------         MODULE        ?C?FPCMP
  C:086FH         PUBLIC        ?C?FPCMP
  C:086DH         PUBLIC        ?C?FPCMP3
  -------         ENDMOD        ?C?FPCMP

  -------         MODULE        ?C?FCAST
  C:08F0H         PUBLIC        ?C?FCASTC
  C:08EBH         PUBLIC        ?C?FCASTI
  C:08E6H         PUBLIC        ?C?FCASTL
  -------         ENDMOD        ?C?FCAST

  -------         MODULE        ?C?CASTF
  C:0924H         PUBLIC        ?C?CASTF
  -------         ENDMOD        ?C?CASTF

  -------         MODULE        ?C?CLDPTR
  C:09A5H         PUBLIC        ?C?CLDPTR
  -------         ENDMOD        ?C?CLDPTR

  -------         MODULE        ?C?CLDOPTR
  C:09BEH         PUBLIC        ?C?CLDOPTR
  -------         ENDMOD        ?C?CLDOPTR

BL51 version: BL51 BANKED LINKER/LOCATER V6.22 ,
MCU C8051F380-TB dev kit.

Thank you for your answers

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