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how to start

Hallo Everyone ,
I am learning ARM CORTEX-M3 controller . I am using a STM32F103RT6 board and programmer is KEIL SOFTWARE . I am beginner for this stuff I am trying to write simple programme just blink the led . I do n't know how to start . I have IDE is KEIL U VISION3 and I am familiar with atmel studio n AVR . I found it is quite different than atmel studio . Anyone help me how to do programme ,

Thank u

  • Probably start by reading documentation and looking at similar examples. Understand the LED connectivity on your board, review schematic or other docs. Look if the vendor for the board provides any example, or similar examples from ST for their boards.

  • Probably start by reading documentation and looking at similar examples. Understand the LED connectivity on your board, review schematic or other docs. Look if the vendor for the board provides any example, or similar examples from ST for their boards.

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