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Arm MDK 4.74 and 5.17 jlink problems with STM32F429 an flash address over 1MB


This is a problem that i have posted on the segger forum already and we found out, that this problem seems not to be a segger problem.

Reason: It occurs only if i use the setting "use debug driver" to flash the microcontroller. The segger tools are wroking perfectly.

Now the problem:

I'm using a Jlink Plus, HW V9.10, DLL V5.02h, FW J-Link V9 compiled Oct 9 2015 20:34:47 on Keil MDK-Arm 4.74 and 5.17

The Debug Adapter fails to erase the second megabyte of the STM32F429 flash. A verify after an erase/program cycle fails. This does not occur when i erase the whole chip!

My Software contains a Bootloader and the real firmware. Both programs are different Keil Projects.
The address of the Bootloader is 0x0800_0000 - 0x0800_7FFF.

When i use the Firmware Project, than i won't overwrite the already existing Bootloader. So i have configured the debug Adapter settings inside Keil MDK to use a address range from 0x0800_8000 - 0x081F_FFFF for flash operations.

My second Debug Adapter (Keil ULINK Pro) works perfectly in this Situation!

The Output of the Debug Adapter is:

* JLink Info: Device "STM32F429II" selected.

JLink info:
DLL: V5.02h, compiled Oct 29 2015 19:04:05
Firmware: J-Link V9 compiled Oct 9 2015 20:34:47
Hardware: V9.10
S/N : xxxxxxxxx
Feature(s) : RDI, FlashBP, FlashDL, JFlash, GDB

* JLink Info: Found SWD-DP with ID 0x2BA01477
* JLink Info: Found SWD-DP with ID 0x2BA01477
* JLink Info: Found Cortex-M4 r0p1, Little endian.
* JLink Info: FPUnit: 6 code (BP) slots and 2 literal slots
* JLink Info: CoreSight components:
* JLink Info: ROMTbl 0 @ E00FF000
* JLink Info: ROMTbl 0 [0]: FFF0F000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 000BB00C SCS
* JLink Info: ROMTbl 0 [1]: FFF02000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 003BB002 DWT
* JLink Info: ROMTbl 0 [2]: FFF03000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 002BB003 FPB
* JLink Info: ROMTbl 0 [3]: FFF01000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 003BB001 ITM
* JLink Info: ROMTbl 0 [4]: FFF41000, CID: B105900D, PID: 000BB9A1 TPIU
* JLink Info: ROMTbl 0 [5]: FFF42000, CID: B105900D, PID: 000BB925 ETM
ROMTableAddr = 0xE00FF003

Target info:
Device: STM32F429II
VTarget = 3.330V
State of Pins:
TCK: 0, TDI: 1, TDO: 0, TMS: 1, TRES: 1, TRST: 1
Hardware-Breakpoints: 6
Software-Breakpoints: 8192
Watchpoints: 4
JTAG speed: 12000 kHz

Erase Done.
Programming Done.
Contents mismatch at: 08100000H (Flash=00H Required=80H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08100001H (Flash=20H Required=A0H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08100003H (Flash=00H Required=D3H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08100004H (Flash=00H Required=4AH) !
Contents mismatch at: 08100006H (Flash=00H Required=F3H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08100007H (Flash=23H Required=ABH) !
Contents mismatch at: 08100009H (Flash=00H Required=E1H) !
... and so on

Thank you

  • Hi (again),

    I don't know why, but i have recompiled the flash driver (STM32F4xx_2048.FLM) on both compilers, and now it works for me.
    Is it possible that the sourcecode for the driver does not fit to the delivered .FLM file?


  • Hi (again),

    I don't know why, but i have recompiled the flash driver (STM32F4xx_2048.FLM) on both compilers, and now it works for me.
    Is it possible that the sourcecode for the driver does not fit to the delivered .FLM file?

