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App doesn't start occasionally

Good day to everybody!

My device has C8051F340 MCU on board. I have project that is strange. E.g 5 times app starts - on 6th time it doesn't and so on.

Project architecture is Bootloader + App:
Bootloader's BLMisc:

App's BL51 Misc:
CODE(0x0600-0xF1FF, 0xF400-0xF9FF, ?CO?I_SETTINGS(0xF500), ?CO?R_SETTINGS(0xF600), ?CO?FXXX_INFOBLOCK(0xF9E7))

App's C51:

Keil version V4.14.16.0.

I can check leds and control points to understand whether it behaves right or not.
The previous version of project works stable. Then I start to remove uncalled functions not changing the logic much. Of course the new map file is linked differently but may be that is why it works bad. I feel that because of settings.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

Best regards,
Sergey Nelyub