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Keil RTOS (old style) versus CMSIS RTOS....

Former Member
Former Member

I know I'm an old guy (software developer for more than 35 years), I have been using Keil RTOS for ages (13+ years on ARM, before that a zillion years on 8051) and have so far been satisfied with it, and most importantly learned to live with the RTOS and its shortcomings...

In this "CMSIS" age of things, I wonder if I should move on to the "brand new modern way" of using the RTOS? One thing I REALLY hate is the "package idea" of UV5, all this builtin handling of things makes me shiver... Basically its because I feel that I loose control...

Am I right, or should I just pull myself together and jump on the CMSIS wagon and embrace the wonderful new world?
What is your experience with this ??

Maybe I'm just being paranoid....

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