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Implementing USB Mass storage as floppy msc

Hi to all,
Recently I download mdk5 USB msc example and then I programme it to my lpc1788 board and when I connect it to my computer windows recognize it as USB flash disk.
Now I want change this project in way that after connecting it to computer windows recognize it as floppy drive but I do not have any idea to how done that :-(
Now can any one give me an advise to how done that or give me an start point in order to done that????
thanks for attention.

  • Doing that will be quite complex, as it will require deep understanding of USB.

    For this specific case with middleware you would need to investigate and understand UFI command block specification ( as this is different than bulk-only transfer device type that middleare implements as mass storage device.

    Then you would need to implement this kind of device by using custom class functionality of USB device middleware component. Meaning you would need to execute and reaspond to all necessary commands specified by mentioned UFI.
    And, also you would need to make USB descriptor to describe your device and override descriptors created by USB middleware, more on that can be found in middleware documentation
    here (under heading Changing Default USB Descriptors).

  • Doing that will be quite complex, as it will require deep understanding of USB.

    For this specific case with middleware you would need to investigate and understand UFI command block specification ( as this is different than bulk-only transfer device type that middleare implements as mass storage device.

    Then you would need to implement this kind of device by using custom class functionality of USB device middleware component. Meaning you would need to execute and reaspond to all necessary commands specified by mentioned UFI.
    And, also you would need to make USB descriptor to describe your device and override descriptors created by USB middleware, more on that can be found in middleware documentation
    here (under heading Changing Default USB Descriptors).
