I was reading up on the flash eeprom and best I can tell for the stm32f chips this is needed. micromouseusa.com/
Has Keil mdk5 not provided a simple function?
I would avoid the EEPROM Emulation completely if all you want to do is save a configuration structure.
Pick one (or two) of the early 16KB sectors (@ 0x08004000, 0x08008000 or 0x0800C000), and then journal the writing of your structure across this space, selecting the last one written, and writing the new/changed one beyond the current.
Reading, it's in the address space, so create a structure pointer to the base of the sector and index into them. Have the first word of your structure be a signature, ie not 0xFFFFFFFF and the last word a CRC or checksum to prove/confirm validity.
Simplified method,
typedef struct _CONFIG { uint32_t Signature; // 0x12345678 ? // .. other neat stuff uint32_t Checksum; } CONFIG; CONFIG *config = (CONFIG *)0x08004000; // Config FLASH Sector Base CONFIG curr; const CONFIG default = { 0 }; // Add int i; i = 0; while(config[i+1].Signature != 0xFFFFFFFF) // Index to last i++; if (config[i].Signature == 0xFFFFFFFF) // Empty case { puts("Config Empty, using defaults"); memcpy(&curr, &default, sizeof(CONFIG)); } else { // Check signature and checksum puts("Loading Config"); memcpy(&curr, &config[i], sizeof(CONFIG)); // .. } // ... // Writing next block if (config[i].Signature != 0xFFFFFFFF) // Advance to blank i++; curr.Signature = 0x12345678; // Checksum new configuration, then write to FLASH curr.Checksum = CRC32(0xFFFFFFFF, &curr, sizeof(CONFIG) - 4); FLASH_WriteBlock((uint32_t)&config[i], &curr, sizeof(CONFIG)); // Addr, Buffer, Size
That's not really "avoiding EEPROM emulation completely". That is, for all practical intents and purposes, EEPROM emulation (although a somewhat coarse one).
It does avoid pretending it is EEPROM and treats it like FLASH, so it does dispense with a rather thick abstraction from ST with an Adddress/Byte storage system that immediately reduces the available space by at least a quarter.
The problem with pretending is that you keep doing things which are inappropriate rather than change the paradigm to a more appropriate one. ie a FLASH within the MPU address space, vs a I2C EEPROM
Where is FLASH_writeBlock ?
I could not find an include to support this function. I tried a few other write methods.
1. Example from eeprom emulation reads but does not write. 2. STM32F2 Standard Peripheral bibliotheek same.
if(HAL_FLASH_Unlock()!=HAL_OK) //return ok. FLASH_PageErase(0x0800c000); FLASH->CR = 0;//known bug that apparent is not documented.
if(HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_WORD, 0x0800c000, 0x01010101) != HAL_OK) //error
I wrote the pseudo code off the top of my head in minutes.
FLASH_WriteBlock() is an abstraction for the code that manages the processor interaction with flash, figure it is a Flash aware memcpy()