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problem with compile MassStorage example of Keil


I can't compile this example of Keil:
errors are:

USBD_User_MSC_0.c(74): error:  #20: identifier "fsDevCtrlCodeControlMedia" is undefined
    if (fs_ioc_device_ctrl (drv_id, fsDevCtrlCodeControlMedia, m_status) != fsOK) {

USBD_User_MSC_0.c(216): error:  #20: identifier "USBD_MSC_MEDIA_READY" is undefined
          media_state  =  USBD_MSC_MEDIA_READY;

USBD_MSC_MEDIA_READY and fsDevCtrlCodeControlMedia are undifined.
I didn't change any thing and do similar user guide.
please guide me.what is wrong?