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CMSIS v4.5.0 UARTx Interrupt basic example


I have been stuck on getting the interrupt to work with keil using CMSIS.

I keep getting the following:

Error: L6200E: Symbol USART3_IRQHandler multiply defined (by usart_lpc43xx.o and main.o)

void USART3_IRQHandler()



        Value ++;


void UART_Interrupt_Init()

        LPC_USART3->IER   = 0x03;


I have been trying to get this to work for days now.

I successfully got interrupt to work with LPCopen, code without CMSIS etc...

But as I have a big portion of my code using CMSIS i would like to continue using CMSIS.

Does anyone have a very basic USART3_IRQHandler() example using CMSIS Please?

Or maybe just try a simple test and see if CMSIS UART Interrupt works, as i have tried using different attempts with no luck.

I also cannot find any useful examples with CMSIS and Uart interrupts.

Could some one please help me.

Thank you

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