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Browse info

I have project for stm32 with standart peripheral library. Now i am trying convert project to new mcu with hal library. But if "create browse information" is disabled project compile fast but but if "create browse information" checked project compile too slow. It is very useful feature for code navigation. Can i disable "create browse information" for group of files? Or maybe there are any another way to improve perfomance without disable it.

  • You could get a faster machine?

    Doesn't the generation get faster on subsequent builds, where it only compiles the files that changed due to the dependency tree? If you have one monolithic file consider splitting it up into small files.

    Used to be able to boil a kettle and make tea/coffee while compiling on a 4.7MHz IBM PC, and then erase/burn cycles for EPROMs, so I'm not sure you know what slow really means.

  • You could get a faster machine?

    Doesn't the generation get faster on subsequent builds, where it only compiles the files that changed due to the dependency tree? If you have one monolithic file consider splitting it up into small files.

    Used to be able to boil a kettle and make tea/coffee while compiling on a 4.7MHz IBM PC, and then erase/burn cycles for EPROMs, so I'm not sure you know what slow really means.
