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CDC NCM Windows driver

I am looking for the best way to obtain a Windows driver supporting Ethernet over USB for
my embedded device. It has CMSIS based USB and we can use a Linux host to
access VIA CDC NCM. However since there is no Windows version of the driver available
we are looking for a way to support the device.

Are there any open source drivers for this? ( CDC with NCM )
Or other shortcuts that may help us get started.

I have located a small number of purchasable driver providers but these are out of our
price range.


  • Microsoft has DDKs for driver writers, if the cost of your time is cheaper than buying a packaged solution review that. A couple months salary (typical US) wouldn't seem like an unduly high amount to expect for a prepackaged solution.

    Consider if there is another USB class driver available for the sort of device you are building, and conform to that.

  • Microsoft has DDKs for driver writers, if the cost of your time is cheaper than buying a packaged solution review that. A couple months salary (typical US) wouldn't seem like an unduly high amount to expect for a prepackaged solution.

    Consider if there is another USB class driver available for the sort of device you are building, and conform to that.
