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error #40 : expected an identifier

I am compiling the code for UART communication in TM4C123GH6P and it gives me an unexpected error for the line

 __I uint32_t CR; /* GPIO Commit*/

in the header file TM4C123GH6PM.h

Can anybody tell me the solution for it.
Please reply me as soon as possible.

Thanks & Regards,
Pratik Jain

  • "I am compiling the (sic) code for UART communication in TM4C123GH6P"

    There is certainly more than just one single piece of code for "UART communication in TM4C123GH6P" in the whole wide world!

    So what code, exactly, are you talking about?

    Also, what toolset are you using?

    "error #40" doesn't look like a Keil message

  • "I am compiling the (sic) code for UART communication in TM4C123GH6P"

    There is certainly more than just one single piece of code for "UART communication in TM4C123GH6P" in the whole wide world!

    So what code, exactly, are you talking about?

    Also, what toolset are you using?

    "error #40" doesn't look like a Keil message
