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copying code to ram and executing it


I am using Keil uVision 5.15 compiler. copying a routine to ram(FLASH_eraseOneBlock) and try to runit,
the code crashes (hardware Fault). I have looked at Keil's ram function example and it does not
work either. my code is:

typedef void (*FunctionPointer_t)(uint32_t );
FunctionPointer_t ramFunc;
uint32_t executableRam[100];

void TxfrToRam(void)
    uint32_t source,source_end;
    uint32_t *dest,addr;

    source = (uint32_t)&FLASH_eraseOneBlock;
    source_end = (uint32_t)source + 80;
    dest = (uint32_t *)executableRam;
    ramFunc = (FunctionPointer_t)dest;
    while (source < source_end)
        *dest++ = *(uint32_t *)source++;
    for (addr = 0x2000; addr < 0x20000; addr += FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)

Any help will be highly appreciated.



  • Further update: I have verified that the code is copied correctly. It goes to the correct
    location. The disassembly shows it is correct code. The very first instruction in ram causes
    hard fault.
    When I copy the code The address in the variable is one more than the actual code, though
    I have corrected it. May be bit 0 of pc has a special meaning. Please help.

  • Further update: I have verified that the code is copied correctly. It goes to the correct
    location. The disassembly shows it is correct code. The very first instruction in ram causes
    hard fault.
    When I copy the code The address in the variable is one more than the actual code, though
    I have corrected it. May be bit 0 of pc has a special meaning. Please help.
