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USB Printer does not enumerate

Hello everyone,

We are using LPC4357 controller & with USB host we are trying to print on HP Office jet 6000 printer.

Verified that it supports PCL 3 GUI & it is also able to print on our older systems (Fujitsu micro controller based system).

Now with LPC this printer is unable to enumerate & while the configuration is being set it gives set up & queued status.

But same code works on HP Office jet K7108.

The point where it gets stuck is below

We have used LPC open as reference & till Z character on UART we are able to move.
Marked below with comment.

HCD_STATUS HcdControlTransfer(uint32_t PipeHandle,
                                                                                                                  const USB_Request_Header_t *const pDeviceRequest,
                                                                                                                  uint8_t *const buffer)
                uint8_t HostID, QhdIdx;
                HCD_TRANSFER_TYPE XferType;
                uint32_t SetupTdIdx, DataTdIdx, StatusTdIdx;
                uint8_t direction;
                uint32_t Datalength;

                if ((pDeviceRequest == NULL) || (buffer == NULL))
                                ASSERT_STATUS_OK_MESSAGE(HCD_STATUS_PARAMETER_INVALID, "Device Request or Data Buffer is NULL");
                ASSERT_STATUS_OK(PipehandleParse(PipeHandle, &HostID, &XferType, &QhdIdx) );

                Datalength = pDeviceRequest->wLength;
                direction =  pDeviceRequest->bmRequestType & 0x80;

                /*---------- Setup Stage ----------*/
                ASSERT_STATUS_OK(AllocQTD(HostID, &SetupTdIdx, (uint8_t *) pDeviceRequest, 8, SETUP_TRANSFER, 0, 0) );                                 /* Setup TD: DirectionPID=00 - DataToggle=10b (always DATA0) */
                /*---------- Data Stage ----------*/
                if (Datalength)
                                ASSERT_STATUS_OK(AllocQTD(HostID, &DataTdIdx, buffer, Datalength, direction ? IN_TRANSFER : OUT_TRANSFER, 1, 0) );

                else {
                                DataTdIdx = SetupTdIdx;              /* Data TD is skipped */

                /*---------- Status Stage ----------*/
                ASSERT_STATUS_OK(AllocQTD(HostID, &StatusTdIdx, NULL, 0, direction ? OUT_TRANSFER : IN_TRANSFER, 1, 1) );                /* Status TD: Direction=opposite of data direction - DataToggle=11b (always DATA1) */

                /* Hook TDs Together */
                HcdQTD(HostID, SetupTdIdx)->NextQtd = (uint32_t) HcdQTD(HostID, DataTdIdx);
                HcdQTD(HostID, DataTdIdx)->NextQtd = (uint32_t) HcdQTD(HostID, StatusTdIdx);

                HcdQHD(HostID, QhdIdx)->status = (uint32_t) HCD_STATUS_TRANSFER_QUEUED;

                /* Hook TDs to QHD */
                HcdQHD(HostID, QhdIdx)->FirstQtd = Align32( (uint32_t) HcdQTD(HostID, SetupTdIdx) );
                HcdQHD(HostID, QhdIdx)->Overlay.NextQtd = (uint32_t) HcdQTD(HostID, SetupTdIdx);

                /* wait for semaphore compete TDs */
We receive serial debug till this point
                ASSERT_STATUS_OK(WaitForTransferComplete(HostID, QhdIdx) );
                return HCD_STATUS_OK;

Please help