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XMC2G0 - Debugger Keil 4.74 vs 5.15

Board Infineon XMC2Go (XMC1100) - Debugging using Single Step


does anybody have an idea, why debbugging (using Single Step) the intrinsic functions works
fine with Keil 4.74, but doesn´t work using using Version 5.15.
With 5.15 the Debugger stops only on every second instruction (Single Step).

P0_6_reset(); //Ausgaenge mit 0 vorbelegen P0_7_reset(); P0_8_reset();

P0_6_set_mode(OUTPUT_PP_GP); P0_7_set_mode(OUTPUT_PP_GP); P0_8_set_mode(OUTPUT_PP_GP);

Thanks for your answers

  • Did you check the Window that is in focus at the time you single step.

    If the focus window is the Disassembly Window, the steps are done at assembly level.

    If the focus window is a source Window, the steps are done on source level. Code stops every line, but not at every statement.