Im using I2C bitbang and Im facing an issue. I think I need a delay between SCL and SDA lines. Im not sure how much the delay needs to be. Can someone check my I2C code to see if everything checks out? I want to make sure its not a software mistake.
#include <at89c51ic2.h> #include <stdio.h> #define SDA P0_0 #define SCL P0_1 void I2CInit(){ SDA = 1; SCL = 1; } void I2CStart(){ SCL = 1; I2CDelay(); SDA = 0; I2CDelay(); SCL = 0; I2CDelay(); } void I2CRestart(){ SDA = 1; SCL = 1; SDA = 0; SCL = 0; } void I2CStop(){ SDA = 0; I2CDelay(); SCL = 1; I2CDelay(); SDA = 1; I2CDelay(); } void I2CAck(){ I2CDelay(); SDA = 0; I2CDelay(); SCL = 1; I2CDelay(); SCL = 0; I2CDelay(); SDA = 1; I2CDelay(); } void I2CNak(){ SDA = 1; SCL = 1; SCL = 0; SDA = 1; } void I2CSend(unsigned char Data){ unsigned char i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if ((Data & 0x80) == 0) SDA = 0; else SDA = 1; SCL = 1; I2CDelay(); SCL = 0; I2CDelay(); Data <<= 1; } SDA = 1; I2CDelay(); SCL = 1; I2CDelay(); if (SDA) SCL = 0; I2CDelay(); SDA = 1; SCL = 1; } char I2CRead(unsigned char lastone){ // last one == 1 for last byte; 0 for any other byte char i, Data=0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++){ SCL = 1; I2CDelay(); if(SDA) Data |=1; if(i<7) Data<<=1; SCL = 0; I2CDelay(); } SDA = lastone; SCL = 1; I2CDelay(); SCL = 0; SDA = 1; SCL = 1; I2CDelay(); return Data; } void I2CSendAddr(unsigned char addr, unsigned char rd){ I2CStart(); I2CSend(addr+rd); } void I2CDelay(){ unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < 4000; i++); return; }
Im not sure how much the delay needs to be.</i?
I2C Specification: