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Disable/remove security bits in P89C51RD2


I am working with P89C51RD2HBA(PLCC package).

When I start to download .hex files using flash magic , "Security bit 1 is set" message is displayed.

And from ISP->ReadSecurity, I come to know that Security bits 1, 2 and 3 all are set.

Using WinISP, I can blank check, I can erase but when I press program part it shows,"Flash programming Fail"

How to remove this security bits?

Utsavi Bharuchwala

  • The whole point of security bits is to prevent unauthorised access.

    You will have to study the P89C51RD2 datasheet to see what, exactly, the security bits do - and what options you have for clearing them.

    Then you will have to study the documentation for your ISP tool(s) to find what options they give for manipulating the Security bits.

  • The whole point of security bits is to prevent unauthorised access.

    You will have to study the P89C51RD2 datasheet to see what, exactly, the security bits do - and what options you have for clearing them.

    Then you will have to study the documentation for your ISP tool(s) to find what options they give for manipulating the Security bits.

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