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Error:unable to communication(in use)ensure no other applications are using the com port.Try raising or lowering baud rate.
how to solve this problem

  • You haven't given any context for the message - Where did it come from? What were you trying to do at the time? Details of your configuration?

    Butt here are two clear suggestions made in the text that you yourself posted:

    1. ensure no other applications are using the com port.

    2. Try raising or lowering baud rate

    Have you done those ?

  • You haven't given any context for the message - Where did it come from? What were you trying to do at the time? Details of your configuration?

    Butt here are two clear suggestions made in the text that you yourself posted:

    1. ensure no other applications are using the com port.

    2. Try raising or lowering baud rate

    Have you done those ?
