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Keil RTX5 without microLib don't work

Hi all,

I have an application with RTX5 and works fine but need to add a FlashFS and this is the beginning ofthe problem.
FlashFS is not compatible with microLIB and need to uncheck the "use microLib" from the target options, the project is compiled ok and the kernel starts ok but quickly raises a hard fault exception and can't get find the reason because the code is the same and the debugger don't helps so much.

Is RTX not compatible with the default C library and only works with microLIB?
Is possible to get the FlashFS run with microLIB?


  • >FlashFS is not compatible with microLIB
    Its rather the other way around (microlib does not provide support for File I/O).

    >Is possible to get the FlashFS run with microLIB?

    RTX5 should work just fine with the standard C library.

    It might be however that more stack and heap are required in your application. Try increasing stack sizes of threads and heap size.

    Guidelines about File System resource requirements:

  • >FlashFS is not compatible with microLIB
    Its rather the other way around (microlib does not provide support for File I/O).

    >Is possible to get the FlashFS run with microLIB?

    RTX5 should work just fine with the standard C library.

    It might be however that more stack and heap are required in your application. Try increasing stack sizes of threads and heap size.

    Guidelines about File System resource requirements:
