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Interfacing STM32 with External 512kx16 SRAM, 8bit data only accessible per one address of RAM

Hi,I have STM32F4 interfaced with the external SRAM sized 512kx16 array. Now what I believe is (Pls correct me if i am wrong), Pointing to Every incremental Address should give me 16bit data. because SRAM is interfaced with 16bit wide data bus (non multiplexed)

For Example: 0x64000000 is the base address of my external SRAM. And I want to write hello, to this RAM, then It should happen like...
on 0x64000000 location, data should be written, 'H' 'E' &
on 0x64000001 location, data should be written, 'L' 'L' &
on 0x64000002 location, data should be written, 'O' 0xff .
And the same is should be getting in read back.

But What actually occurs is
on 0x64000000 location, data should be written, 'H' 'E' &
on 0x64000001 location, data should be written, 'E' 'L' &
on 0x64000002 location, data should be written, 'L' 'L' &
on 0x64000003 location, data should be written, 'L' 'O' &
on 0x64000004 location, data should be written, 'O' 0xff . So If I want to get the write data, I will have to read back 16 bit data from location 0x64000000, 0x64000002, and 0x64000004.

Can Anyone Has the experience of interfacing 512kx16bit array SRAM ? and facing the similar issues ??

  • Hi Vishal,
    I have the same issue, but with a 1Gbit NOR Flash
    it has a 16bit wide data bus and has an address range of 0x00 to 0x3FFFFFF
    so each address should point to a 16bit data, but it is only pointing to 8bit
    so i'm able to utilize 1half of 1Gbit=512Mbit.
    If u have found any solution please share!!
    Thank You.

  • Hi Vishal,
    I have the same issue, but with a 1Gbit NOR Flash
    it has a 16bit wide data bus and has an address range of 0x00 to 0x3FFFFFF
    so each address should point to a 16bit data, but it is only pointing to 8bit
    so i'm able to utilize 1half of 1Gbit=512Mbit.
    If u have found any solution please share!!
    Thank You.

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