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redirection to local help files fails after update

I just updated the packs, middleware,...
Many of my current problems are solved :-)
But when I set the cursor e.g. on the function USBD_Disconnect() and press F1
I do not get the help files any more ,only a "search failed"
Before I did the updates, there was a redirection to local files in the installation folder of µVision.
How do I correct this?

Thank you.

  • Hello Gunnar,

    thanks for noticing. It seems that for Middleware 6.3.0 and CMSIS 4.3.0 the DoxyGen index files are not created. We have found the root cause and are working on a patch to overcome the issue. In the meantime, you can help yourself out by creating a Windows batch file in the directory C:\Keil_v5\ARM\Pack\Keil\MDK-Middleware\6.3.0 with the following code (please note that you need to change the path to the doxyindex.exe to reflect your actual installation):

    @echo off
    for /R %%i IN ("index.html") DO (
    IF EXIST %%~pi\index.html (
    echo %%~i
    c:\Keil_v5\UV4\doxyindex.exe %%~piindex.html
    ) )

    As soon as the patch is ready, I will post it here as well.

    Kind regards,


  • Hello Gunnar,

    thanks for noticing. It seems that for Middleware 6.3.0 and CMSIS 4.3.0 the DoxyGen index files are not created. We have found the root cause and are working on a patch to overcome the issue. In the meantime, you can help yourself out by creating a Windows batch file in the directory C:\Keil_v5\ARM\Pack\Keil\MDK-Middleware\6.3.0 with the following code (please note that you need to change the path to the doxyindex.exe to reflect your actual installation):

    @echo off
    for /R %%i IN ("index.html") DO (
    IF EXIST %%~pi\index.html (
    echo %%~i
    c:\Keil_v5\UV4\doxyindex.exe %%~piindex.html
    ) )

    As soon as the patch is ready, I will post it here as well.

    Kind regards,

