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LM76 and ST7032 (correct)

Hi guys, i'm looking for a code to see the temperature capture from an LM76 in a ST7032 display... I'm newbie and now i know only how to write something on the ST032 ahah... But i definitely don't know how interface it with the LM76.
I'm working on C8051F020 with a chip (the drive where the LM76 and ST7032 are placed) link to the PORT 0

This is my starting code:

#include "C8051F020.H" //Device definitions

#define DISPLAY_ADDR    0x07C   //Display address
#define LINE1   0x000           //Line 1 address
#define LINE2   0x040           //Line 2 address

//Master Trasmitter
#define SMB_START       0x08
#define SMB_ADDR_ACK    0x018
#define SMB_DATA_ACK    0x028

I manage the display with this functions:

void init_display () {
        unsigned char dinit[] = {0x38, 0x39, 0x14, 0x74, 0x54, 0x6F, 0x0F, 0x01};
        screen_led = 1;
        i2c_out(DISPLAY_ADDR, dinit, sizeof(dinit));

void display_move_to (unsigned char addr) {
        unsigned char comm[] = {0x080, 0x000};
        comm[1] = addr | 0x080;
        i2c_out(DISPLAY_ADDR, comm, 2);

And this is the other functions:

sbit screen_led = P0^6;
sbit green_led = P1^6;

void init() {

        WDTCN = 0x0DE;  //le solite cose
        WDTCN = 0x0AD;
        OSCICN &= 0x014;

        EA = 1;

        i2c initalization

        XBR0 = 0x005;
        XBR1 = 0x000;
        XBR2 = 0x040;

        SMB0CN = 0x044;
        SMB0CR = 0x0B0;

        SCON0 |= 0x010;

        EIE1 |= 2;
        P1MDOUT |= 0x040;
        P0MDOUT |= 0x040;

        SI = 0;


char* i2c_data_out;
char i2c_addr_out;
unsigned char i2c_length_out;
unsigned char i2c_index_out;

void i2c_out(char addr, char* _data, unsigned char length) {

        while (i2c_index_out < i2c_length_out);

        STO = 1;
        STO = 0;

        i2c_length_out = length;
        i2c_index_out = 0;
        i2c_data_out = _data;
        i2c_addr_out = addr;

        STA = 1;        //starta

void i2c_status_interrupt () interrupt 7 {

        switch(SMB0STA) {

                case SMB_START:
                        STA = 0;
                        STO = 0;
                        SMB0DAT = (i2c_addr_out & 0x0FE);
                        SI = 0;
                case SMB_ADDR_ACK:
                        SMB0DAT = i2c_data_out[0];
                        SI = 0;
                case SMB_DATA_ACK:
                        i2c_index_out = i2c_index_out + 1;

                        if (i2c_index_out < i2c_length_out) {
                                SMB0DAT = i2c_data_out[i2c_index_out];
                        } else {
                                STO = 1;
                                STA = 0;
                        SI = 0;

And finally, the main!:

void main() {
        green_led = 0;
        i2c_out(DISPLAY_ADDR, "@LINE1", 6);
        i2c_out(DISPLAY_ADDR, "@LINE2", 6);

With this code i can write LINE1 and LINE2 in both display line


This is the code i think can work to initialize LM76:

#define LM76_ADDR  0x48 //LM76 address

//Master Receiver
#define SMB_START_SENS 0x08
#define SMB_ADDR_ACK_SENS 0x40
#define SMB_DATA_ACK_SENS 0x50

But now i don't know how to proceed...

Any suggests? Thanks :D

  • This is my starting code:
    when working with an 'unknown' chip do not throw your attempts all over a whole mess of code, make a small separate routine to process it. that allow you to show just the "problem code" in your nest post, so whoever want to halp you do not have to wade through a lot of lines to find the problem area

    I'm working on C8051F020
    you may be better off here

  • This is my starting code:
    when working with an 'unknown' chip do not throw your attempts all over a whole mess of code, make a small separate routine to process it. that allow you to show just the "problem code" in your nest post, so whoever want to halp you do not have to wade through a lot of lines to find the problem area

    I'm working on C8051F020
    you may be better off here
