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STM32F4 with Nand Flash by using RL-FlashFS in uVersion 5

Hi everyone,

I am studying on STM32F4 micro-processor driving nand flash with RL-FlashFS in Keil V5. I read a lot documents and webpages but they are most in Keil V4. However, I think Keil V5 changed a lot when using RL-FlashFS, not only no nand flash driver template but also no comprehensive document to tell which file needs to be added, which API needs to be built(Most searched result from Google are Keil V4). Maybe I missed those pages or not smart to understand the procedure from old document. I tried to use STMF2xx_NAND.c/.h files as template in Keil installed folder, but after compile, lots of definitions not found such as NAND_DRV_CFG. I don't know which header files or other c files I should add in.
Could anyone help me to show me any documents or webpage where instruct how to build nand flash driver with RL-FlashFS in Keil V5 step by step?

Thanks for your time and help.