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File System Middleware - eMMC bus speed

I use File System component (ver. 6.9.0) and MCI CMSIS driver (ver. 2.02). My MCU is STM32F446 and eMMC - MTFC2GMDEA-0M WT. I'd like to have 48 MHz bus speed, so I've defined MemoryCard_Bus_Mode_HS_Enable and checked that GetCapabilities() returns MCI_BUS_MODE_HS = 1. But when I call fmount the Middleware configures bus speed to 25 MHz via the MCI driver (it sets ARM_MCI_BUS_SPEED_MODE to ARM_MCI_BUS_DEFAULT_SPEED and ARM_MCI_BUS_SPEED to 25MHz).
Is there any way to get 48 MHz? I'm guessing it has to be done automatically, but is it safe to call MCI->Control after the fmount call to set 48 MHz manually?

  • Check what is happening after CMD16 (set block len). If CMD6 (switch) is called and then CMD13 (read status), then it is ok to switch the frequency manually (according to eMMC 4.41 standard and assumption that command parameters are correct). Also check driver return values, maybe at some point your driver returns with error?
    Otherwise is suggest that you contact support, maybe there are some handling differences for your device.

  • Check what is happening after CMD16 (set block len). If CMD6 (switch) is called and then CMD13 (read status), then it is ok to switch the frequency manually (according to eMMC 4.41 standard and assumption that command parameters are correct). Also check driver return values, maybe at some point your driver returns with error?
    Otherwise is suggest that you contact support, maybe there are some handling differences for your device.
