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Purchased Discovery Board but can't compile demo

I purchased a STM32F429I discovery board. The instructions provided a link to
download Keil tools to evaluate the board, but the source code size is 8 times
larger than the 32K limit. Is there any way for me to work with this board for a few
weeks or did I just waste both my money and my time downloading the compiler, packs, etc.
I really need to do more than just watch the pictures on the display.

  • I think you can get 7 days of full functionality to evaluate the tools.

    Other than that, you either have to download precompiled programs and run on the hardware, or write own applications that tests individual features to make them small enough to fit in the 32kB covered by the license.

  • I think you can get 7 days of full functionality to evaluate the tools.

    Other than that, you either have to download precompiled programs and run on the hardware, or write own applications that tests individual features to make them small enough to fit in the 32kB covered by the license.
